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Luigi News: Luigi's Denouement
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News Archive: March 31, 2008

Luigi's Denouement

Originally uploaded by sdwindham

From the photo's description:

And sparks are still there--crackles; the loopy, off-kilter guitar solos; the shrill, childlike cries from atop the playground slide; the girl/boy call-and-response, sometimes a conversation, sometimes a poem; the stark silences, the smoldering rumbles, the rampant howls; the beat that began in your ears as an infant, so constant now that you don't even here it except when it's played.

And, if just for an instant, Michelle doesn't know what's in the shot she just drank, and she's surprised--and they're kids again: Coming home from school and telling stories about road trips across Mexico, about the magic of just being, and about how, above all, it's our turn to take the stage, and take what's ours, Today, Today.